Small Town Living at Its Best

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tablescape Thursday/Thrifty Thursday

Wow! It's a DOUBLE POST!!!! For some it may be a rerun of last week. I was on vacation and only got it posted for 1/2 of the post, so I'm trying it again. Sorry if you've seen it before!

Welcome to TT/TT at my house!
This week I've chosen my favorite play as a theme. I've been to New York twice - both times saw the Phantom on Broadway at the old Majectic Theatre. I LOVE the glitz and glamour that is there on Saturday night, the limo's pulling up and dropping off men and women dressed in their finery! It's fun to just stand around for awhile and "people watch". We were dressed up also, in our very best - and had a wonderful time. I would HIGHLY recommend it for a great time.
If you've seen the play, then you realize the significance of the mirror, the mask. I have an entire house full of roses, but do you think I could find a long stemmed red rose anywhere to put on here? Heck NO! The mirror was purchased at the Methodist Thrift Shop a month ago. It has a plastic frame that was gold, but DH painted it black for me. Of course, I didn't have time to get a photo before he did it.
This is the Music box that is so significant in the play. It plays the tune and he clangs the cymbals. I just love it! It's just another one of those impulse buys that I've NEVER regretted!
The crystals on the candleholders reminds me of all the candles that are in the fog - when the Phantom takes the lady down into the tunnels to his hideaway.......
You may remember the white plates with silver trim that I got at the Methodist Thrift Shop in March. I use them a lot. The silverware is some that my Grandma Alley got, I believe at the grocery store free with purchase or something, but she has a place setting for 40! Yes! I said
F-O-U-R-T-Y! There are also salad forks and tablespoons to match. In addition to the silver, she made holders for them out of overall fabric. Now, if you don't know what that is, it's grey striped, heavy like denim, fabric like she made my Grandpa's overalls out of. Each piece of silverware has it's own little slot, then each one rolls up very neatly for storing. Forks in one, spoons in another, then knives, etc., etc. The silverware is heavy and so pretty, I though it went along with the theme. The black placemats I've had forever, and are striped on one side, plain black on the other.
I picked up these beautiful stemmed glasses Memorial Weekend at a garage sale. 6/$3.00! They are very nice! However after I got this post finished, I realized I forgot the napkins!!! So, here are a few photos WITH the napkins!

Yep, definitely better with the red napkins!
I haven't blogged for over a week because my computer was DOWN- brand new laptop and the hard drive died! Anyway, thanks for letting me share again, I love TT/TT and all of it's glam and glitter! Log in at and join Susan in the fun! Also Leigh at for her fantastic Thrifty Thursday ideas!


  1. What a pretty job you've done with your tablescape. Your grandmother sounds like a girl after my own heart-

    40 place settings- woohoo!


  2. Great theme and great execution! I like the drama of your table!!

  3. Great theme and I love your little Monkey and the freebies that your grandmom found at the grocery store. I remember that way back they did give free items in the grocery stores. Luck you to have such beautiful items. Thanks for sharing this was fun.

  4. Wow, loved your themed table ! What a bummer about you computer...glad you are back ! Hugs~ Kammy

  5. Great job! I love your theme. Phantom is one of my favorites.

  6. love the phantom of the opera theme. So well put together! Very creative and fun! Love it!

    Thanks for sharing


  7. I love the white an silver dishes and the tray's as a charger. The red napking.
    Very nice

  8. Hi,
    Loved your inspiration, what a lovely table. I loved it without, but it was even better with your red napkins.

  9. What a great idea for a themed table! Love those silver rimmed dishes!

  10. This is so elegant. Very worth viewing again.


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