Small Town Living at Its Best

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

2013, not such a sad goodby!

As I go back through the past 363 days, I see many, many things to be thankful for.  We, for the most part, stayed healthy and happy.  We ended the year with the water damage in our home FIXED, and it was hard not to let that overshadow the good times.  We are blessed, but take so much for granted.
 The past week, we've seen family members have severe health issues, friends of the family in horrible car accidents, and deaths in families close to us.  We or family members have experienced the awfulness of addiction, anger, and disappointment. 

The bad has overwhelmed the good at times.  But, we look forward to the new year with a new hope.  We pray openly for the government, those who wear the robes of the court, and those who are homeless. 
We pray for the mentally ill, the hungry, and the people are affected by war, recently or past. We pray for the strong willed and powerful, those who think only their way is the best way.  We pray for those who have desired to make amends, but were shunned.  We pray for those who begged for help, but were denied.  
We pray for peace, for love, and for this wonderful country we live in.  God bless the USA!  Sandi